Those emails won't write themselves...

Alright, the TpT sale is approaching, and you might wonder how the heck you can stand out when everyone is talking about the sale. In this freebie, I will show you...


πŸ‘‰ the blueprint I recommend to my clients for planning TpT sales emails

πŸ‘‰ the five things you need to write successful sales emails

πŸ‘‰ examples from real-life emails promoting sales

πŸ‘‰ suggested subject and preview texts for sales emails

πŸ‘‰ suggested call to actions for sales emails



Disclaimer: I cannot and do not guarantee sales. How many sales you make is based on several factors. Define success on your own terms!

Ready to make some sales? πŸ’°

5 Elements to Writing a Successful TPT Sales Email

During the TPT sale, everyone (and their mother) is sending emails. I'll break down the five things you need in your emails to stand out and make sales.

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